After the already existing SURE recognition, GFA Certification GmbH has now also been recognized by the Federal Institute for Agriculture and Food (BLE) as an examining body for the SURE system and thus meets all requirements against the background of RED II and the recently published BioStrom-NachVO.
For more information, see
With the new version of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (2018/2001/EC – RED II), the share of bioenergy to cover our energy needs will increase significantly in the future.
In order to ensure that the biomass used for this purpose has been produced sustainably, the European Member States have agreed on criteria that must in future be adhered to and documented by all economic operators who use biomass or biogas to generate electricity or heat.
Voluntary certification schemes such as SURE are considered an objective and reliable way to document compliance with these RED II criteria. For this purpose, the systems are audited and recognized by the EU Commission in order to ensure full compliance with the RED II requirements and to guarantee a high quality and transparency of the sustainability certification.
SURE was founded to obtain this EU recognition and to offer economic participants in the biomass and biogas market a practicable system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of RED II in a transparent, resilient and legally secure manner.